All events at Holden Chapel are cancelled tonight, Wednesday, October 9.

Women's Ministry

The goal of the Women's Ministry is to come alongside our sisters in Christ to encourage and provide opportunities for spiritual growth and outreach as well as to deepen our relationships through fellowship with one another.

Bible Studies

We provide opportunities to study at different times to ensure there is a time slot to fit everyone's schedule.  Currently, we have a morning bible study on Thursdays and an evening bible study on Mondays.  We also offer a Mother's Bible Study with childcare on Wednesday mornings.  Studies are for everyone—those just beginning their journey of faith and those who are mature in their Christian walk.  For a list of our current Bible Studies and who to contact, visit our weekly update page.

Life Groups

The purpose of Holden Chapel’s Life Groups is to foster personal spiritual growth in a discipleship-based, small group environment. Men of all spiritual maturity levels are welcome to join a Life Group.  For a list of our current Life Groups and who to contact, visit our weekly update page.

Pure Desire: For Women Only

We host a For Women Only (FWO) women's group, affiliated with Pure Desire, Int'l (, for women impacted by their husband/partner’s past or present struggle with sexual purity (pornography, addiction, infidelity, etc.). This group provides a safe, grace-filled and confidential place for women to join together, using a biblically based and clinically informed resource titled “Betrayal and Beyond,” to aid in healing. Contact Loraine Marinone at 508-713-2952 or email her at for more information.

Other Activities

We offer a gathering we call Fireside Chats on the first Friday of each month.

We strive to take into account the wide spectrum of interests and abilities within our group of ladies when planning special events. We sincerely welcome fresh ideas and input for planning fellowship, spiritual growth, and outreach opportunities! We would love to hear from you.  

For more information, please contact one of our Women's Ministry servant-leaders, Jean Tatis or Kim Hughes.